
Number One Diva

thursday night all the single ladies headed to Arco Arena to witness the phenomenon that is Beyonce. i say phenomenon because she is all that and more. only Beyonce could make me initially giddy and then quiet my internal monologue for two hours. Beyonce put on one of the best shows i have ever seen. she is ridiculously talented; singing, while dancing, while maintaining her flawless, gorgeous appearance. she is everything a woman should be and more. her all female band, including her back-up singing trio, The Mamas, definitely did her justice while they accompanied her awesome singing voice and one-of-a-kind dance moves with a tight performance. Opera might make us cynical about independent, powerful women, but Beyonce makes us all want to be one just like her. all of my favorites, a few i wasn't familiar with done beautifully, a couple from her movies, and a little tribute to the late and great Michael Jackson made for the show of a lifetime. this is definitely one of the best birthday presents ever, so thank you too all of my friends who made it possible, especially Sarah and Claire!!!

i managed to get quite a few good photos because we were in such great seats!!

Music: Beyonce all day errday

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