
believe in magic

of course i saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince at midnight because i am a HUGE HP fan and wouldn't have missed it for the world. the festivities kicked off at JR's with some epic t-shirt making where i perfected my abilities to draw the iconic harry potter font. a few go girls to go around and we were in line for 3 hours waiting to get our seats, which ended up being very good.

as for the movie, it was overall quite good. i love the filters and they style of all of the HP films. everyone is beautiful and glows. it truly is magical. my only disappointment was the fact that they overly focused on the many budding romantic relationships and left out what i feel were a few important details/explanations. of course being heavily emotionally invested, i cried when Dumbledore died and felt upset in the end in anticipation for what is to come.

it is things like HP which make me smile. i enjoy being a part of the generation who got to grow up with HP. when i'm older i will tell young people about how i read HP when it came out, got the books, and saw the movies at midnight. it is like when we ask our parents about if they remember the original Star Trek or if they saw Star Wars when it first came out. it is things like this which define our generation. i like having definition.

_________//Part Two//________________________________________

i've been in weird moods lately. i feel super aware of a lot of different things. it is unexplainable. i've been kind of overwhelmed with the amount of epic events i've been to recently and i think i need to just chill out and have "normal" fun. today was great because all i did was run errands with brian. although usually spending 5 hours shopping for a bicycle helmet isn't usually my idea of fun doing something completely ordinary felt quite satisfactory. tomorrow i'm spending the day poolside with stephanie. sleeping is also a great escape. i like having that space right now where i can just let my thoughts flow freely and not get frustrated.

Music: Harry Potter Soundtracks, Jack's Mannequin

1 comment:

ADalisay said...

HP forever!!!!!

good seeing you that night.