

alas i am done with AP US History for good now. the test was on friday. i can't say that my frist Ap experience was at all enjoyable. i felt less and less confident that i was passing as the test went on. i think i'll just copy and paste my lj entry in here.: yesterday i finally had my AP US history test. i'm sad to say that my frist AP experience was not a good one. i can't exactly specify as to why my experience was so bad, but it just was not pleasant. first you get in the class and there is not assigned seating so everyone just picks a seat. stephen immediately starts up a conversation but then decides he doesn't want me to sit with him because "my people" were all sitting on the other side of the room. i sat next to geanna instead. i feel this was actually a better choice than sitting near stephen because behind him was kayla neto and dealing with their little problems and trying to take an Ap test would be way too much for me. but anyways, so after everyone finally gets there mrs. hesser starts reading her little prompter booklet. of course she has already been doing this twice a day for an entire week so she sounds extremely impatient and pissed off. that was really comforting. after we filled out all the bullshit name bubbles and learned about AP number labels we finally got to the multiple choice part of the test. i'm not sure how i feel about the multiple choice sections. i know in some parts i nailed it and other ones i pulled the answers basically out of my ass. after the multiple choice (70 min or so) we got a break. break was ok. i just walked out in silence contemplating the fact that i probably just failed. i only hoped the essays would be better. they weren't. they were terrible. i know so much US History, and yet they decided to pick essays that were on the stupidest things that no one knows anything about. so i wrote 2 essays of pretty much pure BS. lots of the other kids told me that they did the same thing, so i'm not sure if that makes me feel better or worse. maybe we all passed. maybe we all failed. i won't know until june.

on a much happier note: after the AP test i went to Chico to see The Matches and Self Against City. pretty much my dream show happened. my two favorite bands, playing for free, at a college, outdoors on a beautiful day. it was so much fun and really amazing. being in the outdoors gives the show a whole new light....haha. there are so many vibrant colors and differences that make you feel differently about the music. of course i missed the SAC boys and it was great to see them. roadtripping with Lizzy, Gina, and the girls is never less than amazing. and another plus was i got to see a little bit of Chico and come to the conclusion that it's not really special. Lizzy, Gina, Sandra, Ami, and i wore these matching SAC shirts (that they all bought the night before) and some lady asked us if we were sorority sisters. it was pretty hilarious.

1 comment:

empress ck said...

dude i know what you MEAN. i was so mad that that THREE hour crap test shows off your freaking knowledge for the whole year of ap us history (though i took it for half a year) but it is freaking ridiculous. like american indians? the "new south" WTF!!!!

if i get lower than a four then i am going to be mad. i seriously am. as nerdy as that is. i can spout off anything to do with ap us history so fuck collegeboard if they score me low.

i bullshitted a lot too. especially the new south.