
the band on the run

i didn't get picked for Ven A Ver New Orleans. i'm a bit upset, but honestly i don't feel like dwelling on it so i will just say it and be done with it.

this school year is literally coming to a close now. it's not like we have a few weeks left; we just have finals. yesterday was founders day. founders day is kind of interesting because it is technically supposed to celebrate St. John Baptiste de La Salle. none of the kids actually think about him once throughout the entire day. all we do is sign yearbooks amidst blow-up jump-house type activities, snow cones, cotton candy, and other sweaty people clad in their best gear for the one free dress day of our lives. i'm not complaining. i like having a day dedicated to commemorating our past year's memories. plus, i can wear flip flops. the whole ordeal sort of says "bring on the summer", but it tends to leave the illusion that we are done with school. sadly, we still have finals. this semester i need to do extremely well on all of my finals. i will be making study sheets and note cards until the day i die.

yesterday was also self against city at cesar chavez park. i've noticed that my blogs always center around SAC, probably because i am 100% in love with all of them. it deffinitly was not the best show and i hope there will be another one soon. i did get introduced to Justin's brother, who carries an uncanny resemblance, and his mother. kinda awkward, but still touching in my book. other than that, i'd like to erase that show and insert a better one to replace it. and that is all, for once.

1 comment:

Chocolate said...

how only now can i see your posts? anyways. the true colors festivals is a no go for me because when the tour stops at berkeley, none of the bands i want to see are gonna be there.