last night i went to the jonas brother's concert at sleeptrain amphitheater with geanna, stephanie, and her younger sister emily. i didn't doubt it, but the jonas brothers are amazing performers. they are so young and talented, and they really know how to entertain a crowd and show you that they love what they are doing. i was beyond amazed by the concert. i screamed like a little girl, danced endlessly, and sang every word to every song [minus the new ones]. they played quite a few new songs, which were really good. i am anticipating this album twice as much than i was before. they also played a cover of the shania twain song "i'm gonna getcha" which was so fun.

look how cute he is!! i always hate saying one of them is my favorite but kevin was just so amazing and he is highly under-rated by all the 14 year olds. he is equally good looking with the rest of them, he's extremely talented, and he is very understanding and poised about being 20 years old and having a ton of screaming 14 and under fans. i don't think people appreciate him enough. having his necklace also makes me feel maybe a little more connected with him than the others possibly. plus, he's quite funny.

they have this bus and trailer that they leave outside of the venues and people sign them. every stop people just write over everyone elses, so since i had no sharpie i just scratched in "AMY <3 JB" with my keys. haha. yes, i keyed the jonas brothers, but i think they will appreciate it. plus, i did it out of love, unlike an american idol i won't name.
I HHHHHAAATEEEE YOU!!! :(....i hope jonas brothers come next year because i have missed them for the second time.
yeah i notice a lot of people our age go to a jonas brothers concert and find that kevin is actually the most attractive one instead of joe or nick. interesting. i guess he just has that older charisma we are attracted to! LET ME KNOW IF THERE EVER IS ANOTHER JONAS BROTHERS CONCERT NEAR SAC. i always miss these things until it is too late.
Dude no kidding! I always thought Joe and Nick were the cute Jonas but then I saw them in concert and Kevin totally stood out to me. He has such awesome stage charisma and I'm more than glad he is underrated because I do not want those screaming 8-year-old fangirls allll over him. I'm glad you had fun though. :)
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