after that we went to the hotel and met up with erica, matthieu, jameson, arnault, sophia, and delfin. from there we decided to all go to the wharf, minus sophia and delfin. the wharf was so much fun! we too the cable car there, walked around and saw all the shops and stuff. matthieu really wanted to stop at lids to get a fitted cap because he thinks that makes him an american gangster. ahha. the french kids are hilarious. we had a late lunch and just walked around and laughed until it was time to go meet everyone else at a restaurant for dinner.

unfourtunately we weren't ready to eat because of the late lunch, so we just saw all of them and went back to the hotel. but we did get to see claire!! on the way to the hotel we kind of got lost because we couldn't find the cable car to get back. o man, that was an adventure. we got hungry later so we had a late dinner. there were too many of us so we were broken up into 4 groups and sarah and ended up eating with jameson's sister, jessica, and her friend logan. they were pretty hilarious and we had fun. the next morning we had breakfast in the fabulous hilton hotel. [i suppose i forgot to mention we stayed in the hilton.] everyone met up in the lobby and we headed for the exploratoruim. that was interesting. everyone just ran around doing all the experiments. i must say arnault was especially hilarious while showing me a zoomed-in view of his callouses. there was this one exhibit called "how cute is too cute" and claire and meg and i took pictures in the mini furniture.

you can see my new hair in this pic! after the exploratorium, we all split up. sarah, melanie and i went to berkely and shopped and walked around the campus. i got a shirt at american apparel and melanie got a Cal sweatshirt. we headed back towards sac and stopped in davis for dinner. we went in borders where i found my jonas brothers magazine i had been looking for. it was so much fun in the car doing to quizzes.
it is hilarious talking and trying to explain things in english and french, and sometimes a little spanish. in case you didn't know, melanie has informed me that sex is the same in all languages, so it is ok if i think the french boys are cute and it is ok if she thinks the american boys are cute. haha. i love spending time with the frenchies. they are fun and i am learning a lot just from interacting with another culture. my english is getting a little broken from trying to speak simply and learning french words. ahha. more fun for the next 2 weeks!
oh man i love foreign exchange students. looks like you guys had fun!
i wish our school will get some frenchies over here. poo.
i didn't know you had a blog!!! girl, when are you gonna come visit us?
we are waiting...
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