today was an extremely bittersweet and heart-wrenching day. after all the fun and adventures, the french students had to go back to france this morning. we all tried our best to hold back the tears, but it just wasn't going to happen that way. after a day at six flags, a night with audrey and claire, a bbq at claire's, a night with everyone at jameson's, and an all nighter with sarah and melanie, the last bit of the candle was burned as we headed to the airport at 5:30 am to see them off. honestly, being with the french students was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. the group of all of us, including the americans, became so close so quickly. from the time of july 10th until today, i've probably been on more interesting adventures and learned more about the world than i ever have in the entirety of my life. i can't even put into words how much i will miss them. hopefully after i graduate i will get to visit them in france so that they may show me their world as i have helped show them mine.

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