
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse

By Sam Hackerson

We’ve all heard it before—reduce, reuse, recycle. But very recently it was pointed out to me that no one ever remembers the fourth R in that sequence---refuse. One of the most important things you can do is refuse. Send a message to suppliers of all sorts and show them exactly what you don’t need.

Start Small

Try bringing your own silverware to the plastic-stocked cafeteria, bringing a reusable water bottle and refilling it at fountains, or replacing air fresheners with baking soda.

Take it a Step Further

Go vegetarian once a week. I know you’ve all heard this one before, but that’s because it’s such an easy way to lower demand for something that causes a lot of unnecessary waste.

Feeling Ambitious?

Try making your own rain barrel and avoid overusing your hose (there are some good instructions herel) or plant your own garden and lower demand for groceries that would’ve required transport. Don’t have your own place? Try one of these. You can even start your own compost and lower your demand for space in landfills— there’s some great start up info here.

You don’t have to drastically alter your everyday life; all you need to do is think about what you can substitute and what you can do without, then all that’s left to do is start refusing.


SactoDan said...

Excellent point Amy. Since I Started using a reusable water bottle, and eating mostly fresh and raw foods, I noticed I have been creating MUCH LESS waste.

Unknown said...

That is great!
But also so you know, this blog was thoughtfully written by Sam Hackerson!