in other news, lately i've been having extremely vivid, loaded dreams so because i've been neglecting my moleskin i've decided to make it into a dream log. i love dreams and analyzing them. i can almost make myself dream, although i cannot control what i dream about. i probably sound like a complete phsycho but whatever. i'm going to get a more comprehensive dream symbol book than the one i already have. as far as the rest of my life is, right now it is good. i'm happy. i'm trying always to be as happy as possible even when things might not be perfect or super great. i'm going to sadie's with albert! that will be fun. i'm excited. i'm seeing the love from my closest friends on a daily basis and it makes me feel great. i'm living life. my heart fills with blood and beats like the 808.
Music: In My Nightmares - Kanye West, Youth - MGNT
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