
the livin' ain't so easy

alas mighty august is upon us, or shall i say me. my easy-breezy-fun-filled summer is fighting with it's very last bit of might to continue, but the harsh reality is that i have school in just about one week. i have yet to finish my single summer novel, The Grapes of Wrath, and i am beyond behind on my 100-entry sketchbook for AP Art. throw in my still non-existent college essay and you have a recipe for a huge mess, or rather a very stress filled week ahead. the plan was for sarah and i to go to the house and knock out at least the college-planning homework and possibly half of my sketchbook. we ended up "waisting" 3 days of our technically 5 day trip reading Breaking Dawn. now i can't really call it a waste because the book was pretty great, but honestly, i needed to get that stuff done. now i am left to juggle promised plans with people and all of my piling up summer assignments, only to be greeted with actual school. fall will be stressful. i'll have to get back into the swing of school, being a senior and all, and then it will be college app season. somehow i will have to balance my focus on essays and applications for traditional universities with the creation of my fine arts portfolio. o yea, and don't forget that i have to retake the SAT and actually take the ACT. here's a big fuck you to standardized testing and the college board.
well, read it and weep folks. i'm off to figure out how i'm going to get all this done...right after i see The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants at midnight with two of my favorite "sisters".

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