i started school on thursday. i suppose that is not really good. it just made me so tired and i got the worst headache. luckily my work load is minimal so far. friday was joe jonas' birthday so i baked a green cake with green frosting and told geanna to wear green with me. everyone liked the suprise.

on to the ranting. i've decided that i am completely codependent. i need people and i need to be with people. not being with them or around them, or just feeling isolated when i'm with them, drives me insane and makes me so frustrated. now this all has come about due to a boy [whom shall remain anonymous], which is truly ironic because it wasn't because i was having matrimonial thoughts about it. no, instead it was because he decided that he is going to play a nice little game with me where he ignores me and then after a three week period, finally sees me and then we repeat. its relatively confusing, however simple it sounds, and i hate it more than just about anything. the saddest thing is i can't hate him for it because i like him so much. i hate when boys are really cute because then you can't bring yourself to get angry. it is all total bullshit.
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