
epiphanies and enigmas

today i smiled a lot for no particular reason. it was [and is] one of the greatest feelings ever. i don't really have any particular reason to be smiling except for the fact that i want to and i can. i'm genuinely in a happy spot. no, not everything is even close to being perfect but they are things that in the ultimate big picture just really don't matter. i'm finding that i want less and less. the things i want usually end up being things i don't really want, and am in fact better off without. i've become carefree and full of life. it will all bite me in the ass when i have to get down to business applying for colleges and doing schoolwork again, but for right now i am content. i bet i'll sleep with a smile on my face.

on a completely different note: i am officially a member of the twilight book club. i finished it tonight and i'm going to start new moon in the morning. christy, katie, and mina were right. this book is amazing and i just couldn't get enough. team edward all the way, and all that stuff. the enigmas always get me. edward is a high quality enigma and a smooth talker. i like both. i highly recomend the twilight book series to any brooding teenage girl. it's good for your sould and raging hormones.

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