
Prepare to Fight!

I recently ventured to the movies to see Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (twice already) and I've got to say, IT ROCKED MY WORLD!! Here's a list of 5 great reasons I'm loving SPVW and why you should go check it out yourself.

Reasons I LOVE Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World:
1. Michael Cera is such a BAD ASS in it.
2. Ramona Flowers is awesome, and worthy of these epic battles.
3. All of the Evil-exes (and even all of the characters) are great characters. You know how I love me some strong characters.
4. The special, video game effects are great. They make the movie even more fun.
5. IT IS HIIIIIIILARIOUS!!!!!! I was LOLing all over the place for the entire 1 hr and 53 mins both times I watched it. As were my mother, brother, and friends.

P.s. It's so good that I'm most likely going to see it again with other friends who have yet to enjoy the fun and entertainment that is Scott PIlgrim Vs. The World.

Music: Napoleon Says - Phoenix

1 comment:

The Other Katayanagi Twin said...

Agreed on all of the above!