
Day 4: Where You Went Today

So, obviously this is not where I went TODAY. But it is where I went for the last 5 days. My family and I took our annual trip to the foggy northern coast of California. Some might think the place looks dreary and be deterred by its rural nature (patchy, awful cell service, and only in certain places and no internet in our house) but I love the place. I've grown up my whole life visiting the north coast and I prefer its chilly waters and windy coves to the burning hot sands and bikinis of Southern California beaches.

And this is my younger brother Tim, sleeping in the car. I know. I'm awful! I really should have taken more pictures on this trip. I'll take more on the next one. Friday Sarah and I are headed to San Francisco (my favorite place) for Outside Lands Music Festival.

Music: 12:51 - The Strokes

1 comment:

Jobin said...

Too bad we didn't even take many pictures together... Next time Pistol