
bet on it

yesterday and today have been officially dubbed "the best weekend ever!!!" by sarah wong. here's a list of what went down. i'll supplement with pictures. it is all too much and too crazy to actually describe everything.

1. went to west campus to find nick parker and failed.
2. went back to school.
3. went to claire's and made signs to ask nick parker to HC.
4. went back to west campus to find nick parker.
5. find nick parker and he says YES!(to stephanie, not me)
6. go to 7-11 to get slurpees. this takes about 30 minutes because we are trying to calculate if we can actually pay for it with our bundle of coins.
7. watch HSM2 on tv and freak out about how hott Zac effron is.
8. ask matt griffone to HC. WTF?!
9. watch the office and get denied by matt griffone....ahhah!
10. good ass car ride home.

1. go make signs with claire and meg.
2. kevin asks sarah to HC!!
3. go go claire's and have fun.
4. go to dinner with Helene, David, and Meg. (me and sarah)
5. go to HSM3!!!!!!!! i squirmed in my seat the entire time because zac effron and corbin bleu are soooooo amazingly cute that i couldn't help it.
6. claire picks us up and we go back.
7. go home

tomorow i'm going to the city for CCA preview day and i'm going to shop at American Apparel.

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