
The Nominees are...

I've been hesitant to write an Oscars-prediction-post because part of me feels unqualified. But I like movies, have seen most of the films nominated for best picture, and like to think I watch films with a somewhat critical eye. By that I mean I can be a tough critic and that is why I feel like sometimes my opinion becomes less valuable. So here I go. These are my picks for this years top categories:
Best Actor: I'm with most of the critics on this one and have to say that Colin Firth definitely deserves it. A seasoned Actor who has paid his dues, I think his job in The King's Speech hit the nail on the head. Although Eisenberg was pretty impressive, separating himself from other teen male actors (namely Michael Cera) by even getting an Oscar nomination for The Social Network, Firth really gave a great performance.
Best Actress: Again, I'm with most of the critics and Natalie Portman is my top pick. Her role in Black Swan was both mentally and physically demanding and she did a beautiful job. Natalie has shown a range of emotions and types of characters throughout her career and really dedicated herself to this demanding role.
Best Director: I'm going to go with David Fincher for The Social Network, or perhaps Darren Aronofsky for Black Swan. After reading a few articles and watching the round tables with the actors and directors I've gathered that The Social Network seems to be a very director-driven film. The acting is great and the story interesting, but ultimately Fincher's execution is what did it. I have a little bias towards Black Swan because I feel like it comes from some really specific vision that Aronofsky wanted to create and because it was a spectacular film I'd have to say he achieved it. I am a Cohen Brothers fan but I haven't seen True Grit or heard too many really amazing things about it. I also would hate for them to win it for a remake.
Best Picture: My vote/prediction for best picture is Black Swan. When I think of a "best" picture I think of a movie that is great in many different aspects. The film was visually stunning, had an interesting story and plot, had great acting, costumes, etc., and also was psychologically thrilling. It covers so much ground and was a really great piece. My second pick would probably be The Social Network because it seems like a somewhat revolutionary film that is causing a lot of hype and was actually really great.

I decided I couldn't make a comment about supporting actor/actress because I haven't seen enough of the performances. Please leave comments with your Oscar predictions/opinions! I can't wait to watch. Especially because James Franco and Anne Hathaway are hosting!

Music: Girls Fall Like Dominoes - Nikki Minaj

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