but enough with the past because it is becoming more and more evident that the future is fast approaching. that's right, today is May 1st which is the date for college decisions. in honor of this glorious milestone we had a theme day where everyone wore something from the college they are going to be attending next year. it was by far the most successful and meaningful theme day yet.

in more news, tonight is the tower of youth film festival. i'm kind of excited. i went to one before but this time i am more involved because i entered into the contest and a lot of videos i was involved in the creative process of will be showing. i hope CB brings home lots of prizes!
i still have art to do...but i am so beyond done with school right now that it is painful. first priority is finishing the art for the senior video. all weekend i will be coloring.
Music: Chester French (got the Cd last weekend with sarah and i LOVE it)
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