The day began beautifully with mass and awards at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. everyone looked great and was super excited for the days events. every award given out was chosen correctly so there weren't any hard feelings. our class was so full of camaraderie that it would've made you cry. after mass most of us headed to the school for a luncheon. the food was not spectacular but it was nice to have more time to spend with the rest of the class and each other's families. after lunch i went home and enjoyed a long nap before i had to get ready to go to the graduation ceremony. the actual ceremony, at memorial auditorium as is classic for all sacramento high schools, was really great. both geanna's (saludictorian) and hannah's (valedictorian) speeches were really good. mr. barnes was wonderful as usual, our class all cheered for everyone a lot, and the overall feeling was just warm and amazing as we went from christian brother's students to christian brother's alumni. one thing mr. barnes spoke about was the great honor it is to be a Cb alum and he is completely right. graduating from CB is something beyond awesome. the community, togetherness, and support of everyone at CB doesn't just get you through four years of high school. it gets you through life. yes, i am glad to be done with the pettiness of high school. yes, i am so excited and ready to go to college and do what i love. but i also would say yes to the fact that i will visit CB in the future, keep in touch with many of my classmates and teachers, and send my children to a LaSallian school if i have the means and the way (definitely CB if i am in sacramento).

1 comment:
Congratssssss! I'm jealous you're done with school.
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