Saturday Sept 20th-21st was Treasure Island Music Festival in San Francisco. i went with sarah wong and we stayed at my grandmother's in berkely. what is TIMF? it is vampire weekend, tegan and sarah, chester french, goldfrapp, tokyo police club, justice. it is independent clothing companies. it is free t-shirts and buttons. it is a music festival with a ton of great indie bands and interesting people and culture. there are too many words required to describe how great it was and is. basically, i had a really terific time with sarah, watching bands and seeing things, and i also got to hangout with some people. i met D.A. from Chester French and found a new love in Sara from Tegan and Sara. i discovered that tokyo police club is possibly one of the cutest bands ever.
I wanted to see Chester French! Lucky that you got to meet them!
and not to mention the lineup is amazing: vampire weekend, tokyo police club, goldfrapp, and tegan and sara! jesuss, i'm so jealous!
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