
spring break #2

Friday: i ran errands by myself. it was actually very relaxing and fulfilling. first i went to barnes and nobles where i managed to spend a $50 giftcard on books. i bought Everything Is Illuminated, Atonement, 21 [for stephanie's bday], and this book i just found called The Delivery Man. i haven't bought books in a long time so i was/am really excited. after that i went to the beat to buy my ticket for thursday [the matches]. since i was already in that part of town, i called my mom to see if she wanted to go to lunch. i ended up picking her up and meeting my dad somewhere. lunch was not that great and my parents kinda drive me nuts but it wasn't a big deal. after that i went home and napped. that was great. when my parents and brother got home we went to dinner and to the art store. i got an easel !! i'm so excited/happy. once we went home i set it up and immediately went to work on my most recent project. now my room is even more of a sanctuary. i pretty much painted all night.

Today/Saturday: i woke up and painted. i'm pretty much finished with my current project. i'm not sure what i will do next. my mom brought me some lunch and then i went to michael's garage sale. he measured me for my dress and we walked to peet's and whatnot. i spent about 3 hours there. after i went home, i attempted to make plans with sarah wong and elsie and stephanie. this was all interupted by a little scheme by emily and brian. basically brian offered to hangout with me, and once i accepted, he threw in the catch about emily coming too. well i took it and made the best of it, i suppose. of course i was really upset by the whole ordeal. they came to my house and left after like 30 minutes because they had to go to a party without me. it was completely rude and terrible but i dont want to talk about it and i'm taking care of it. after they left i went to big spoon with sarah and we went to nick's house. madylin came and we drove around and did nonsense. they helped me to feel much better and really organize my thoughts. i've come to realize that brian will get over emily one day. i shouldn't ruin my life over their immaturity. i just want to talk to brian about the shit talking and honestly, i don't want to talk about this anymore. i just want things to be back to normal. i'm sick of feeling down because i already apologized and did what i could do. i'm done. i should've been done long ago.

more on break later.

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