
conflict rabbit

so we didn't get picked for open mic but that is ok. we are having jonathan's birthday dinner tomorow night anyway. i ordered his present online but it hasn't come in. i dont think it will be here on time. he will have to deal.

sadie hawkin's was last weekend. it was a good way to have fun and get my mind off of everything else. here are some pictures. my date was spencer tierny. it was fun overall, but a little wierd for us because we aren't exactly really close friends or anything. after the dance most of our group went to nick's house. we played rock band which is pretty much amazing. i sang a lot and lost my voice again.

for now i am just waiting things out. i'm taking the path of the conflict rabbit. the conflict rabbit is something i made up to keep myself on track and to prevent any panic attacks or breakdowns. i sound like a mental case, but i'm really trying to have some self discipline. that is why i gave up meat for lent. it is a challenge for me, but i really want to succeed. it is valentine's day, and i came to a realization in math class. i don't remember what it was, but i liked it. that is all that matters.

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