

yesterday i jonased ALL DAY! haha. jonased; as in went to see the jonas brothers and then lurked around after their concert let out at the crest. first stephanie and her little sister emily and i went to the verizon wireless free acoustic performance in natomas. there were thousands of crazy disneyites there. i couldnt even believe i myself was there by choice. we tried to take pictures but it was so hard with all the girls being about our height or taller and not to mention they were all jumping around and reaching up. we hardly could see anything but it was still so amazing.

joe and kevin jonas. joe is 17 and his brother is 19. so young and so famous. it must be an interesting feeling to say the least.

nick jonas is only 14. all the little girls love him the most. from where we were standing you couldnt see him over the amp. anytime he came out from behind it was crazy. this was the best i could get of him. i have to say, he is pretty stylish with his raybans.

joe jonas is my favorite of the three. yes, i have a favorite like all those other girls. i'm always going to be a little teeny-bopper girl forever. i probably only like him the best because he is my age so it is practical, unlike thinking brad pitt is hott or something.

at night emily rose and i ventured to the crest at 8:30 to scope things out. we didn't get to meet the jonas brothers because they had to leave on a flight at 9. but the security lady that worked with them came and gave us stuff from this huge gift bag she had. she said they were things that the jonas brothers didnt want from their christmas gifts. i'm a little skeptical on whether or not this is true but i'm going to believe it with all my teeny-bopperness on the inside and so i can tell people. i got a cool necklace that i can legitimately wear in public. so maybe another day i can meet the jonas brothers. for now i will have to dream like everyone else.

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