
say no more

alas! it has arrived. let the new year begin...i suppose. not that anyone really has a choice. yes, it is here folks and it is not going anywhere for 365 long days. i'm not sure how i feel about it being a new year yet. the whole phenomena of having a new year doesn't really seem like anything to me. technically it is just another day. the only reason it is a new year is because humans have put a numerical count on the days. i have to say i really enjoyed 2007. i changed a lot, but i feel for the better. i came to many epiphanies and realizations and grew as a person. i experienced the best day of my life thus far; my 16th birthday. i learned about myself and i learned about others. i made new friends, i lost some bad ones. i took risks which i needed to take in order to become a more developed person. i got my driver's license. i preformed live in front of a large audience. i found new interests and i began to formulate a more concrete idea of what i wish to do with myself in the future. i can only hope that this coming year can be as bountiful as the last. most of the time i don't really care if there is a new year coming because nothing extremely special, positive, or negative has effected my life but this past year was definitely different. i'm growing up, whether i want to or not. there are bumps in the road, as with any journey. i'm reflective, but still not quite sure how i feel about it being 2008. all i know is i am going to be so mad everytime i forget to date my paper with the right year on it at school.

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