
one last day

tomorow is the last day of my winter vacation. i'm not really sure i can handle going back to school, but i know the idleness i have gained over this break is bad and needs to be dealt with. i've done a lot over break and had a lot of fun, but i always feel like i could've been more productive. it's like, when you are home doing nothing you have all the time in the world to do whatever you need to. instead you just sit there bored and think "i want to get out of here". i hate being idle. it's like Mrs. Hamilton in East of Eden thinks: idleness is a sin.

today clowdus went with my parents and me to get my couch. i have no idea why he voluntarily wanted to go with them but whatever. so we got my couch and it is beautiful in my room. i just love to sit on it and think "this is MY couch in MY room where I live". after the stress of building the damn thing, not to mention my dad's stupid file cabinet. honestly, ikea furniture should be illegalized. i shouldn't be hipocritical and say this, considering over half the furniture i own is from ikea and everything i picked out on my own is from ikea also, but everything they sell is so damn hard to assemle. the instructions don't even have words. they have these dumb little pictures which are impossible. clowdus and i struggled with the file cabinet for about 3 hours. i almost killed someone. after that i drove him home and then we ate food and played nintendo with his sister. i finally got my own nintendo hooked up tonight. my brother had the cable i needed and i stole it out of his room when he was in the shower. he didn't even care because he does not need that thing. i realized that i only have 2 entertaining games for that thing and i bid on a couple on ebay. i love nintendo!

yesterday we had a street team meeting for SAC. i'm excited that we really are a legit team and we meet to talk promo for shows. i really like that blake was there to so we know specifically from the bands point of view what to do. it helps out a lot with the ideas and it motivates us. the feb 1st show is going to be so fun! plus, geena has some shows lined up for me and i get to take pictures at them. i'm really excited about that. she says if i am working with her i can probably get on the stage.

one more phenomena i want to comment on: the weather. that storm was crazy. the streets are still a mess from all the trees and debri that were blown around. i feel terrible for the people whose houses had trees blown into them. when i parked my car to go to the meeting i had to walk like 4 blocks. there were trees and things on the side walk. it was almost like urban hiking or something. haha. i really am glad the whole ordeal is over. driving in the rain is the worst. people are so inconsiderate to the fact that driving conditions are extremely dangerous. they just zoom past you and splash water up on your windshield. it is so terrible.

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