
i'm not exactly sure why i have decided to start this blog. i used to blog all the time and then i realized people probably didn't care about what i did everyday or even what i thought. i guess you could say this is for me. read and enjoy if you like i suppose. my predictions are that it will mostly contain my day-to-day activities with occasional rants about whatever i feel or think. you are being warned now. this is not for you so if you are annoyed or offended then you are welcome to stop reading at any time.

today was a nice day. i have a lot of nice days but that isn't saying i don't have bad ones. i woke up at about 8:30 and moved into the cool that is my parents bedroom so i could comfortably sleep until around 11. this is a huge accomplishment for me. i usually never can sleep past 9 at the latest. after getting up i found out that my mom was on her way home to take my brother to the orthodontist and my dad was home because the tv repair man was here. while my brother and mother went to the orthodontist, i took a shower. after i showered, my dad and i went to meet my mom and brother for lunch. we had chinese. it was delicious. i have been really craving chinese since we went on vacation to our beach house. you can't get anything besides barbecue or seafood anywhere to save your life. after that my dad dropped me off at Brian's house. we watched the PGA championship, of course. we talked a lot about a lot of things which is good because for a little while we seemed a little closed. i had a lot of fun, which is usually the case. my mom picked me up around 4:45 and took me to the eye doctor to pick up my sunglasses. they are Fendi and they are BEAUTIFUL. i love them so much. now i am home. i wonder what is for dinner.

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