
Sited: Sam is back!

By Sam Hackerson
Hi guys, it's been a while. I accidentally went off and got myself employed on the East coast (I was all "whoops I tripped and fell, woah how did this office get here?") so I've been trying to navigate that little adventure.
I've been told that we're talking about sites we love...which is tough for me...because I have an attention span of approximately 0. This fact makes it difficult for me to be an avid follower of just about anything, but I'll give my favorites tab a once over and see what I can dig up.

Smoke Don't Smoke has been one of my music go-tos for a while now. Through his consistently informative and on-point posts, Tim Thompson, the site's owner/writer/Head D00d/Chief Guy, has introduced me to acts like Born Gold, Teen Daze, and Blackbird Blackbird. He's great at sharing the music of bands you never knew existed (especially if they fall under the category of "glow-fi"), AND once a month he posts the results of a collaborative scour of the internet for rad music that just so happens to be FREE. If you aren't sold yet, I don't know what else I can say.

T-rex Trying...I don't have much to say about this one, except that my reaction to the one about the buffet sneezeguard was enough to worry my roommate.

If Smoke Don't Smoke is where you turn for music, Lesley Arfin is where you turn for advice. Arfin is the writer of Ask Barf, an advice column on the site Street Boners and TV Carnage, and she is my favorite thing about the site, hands down. If you have any kind of life questions brewing in you, send them her way--she covers love, sex, futures, family--you name it. Her answers are honest and practical, without being condescending. OH, and did I mention she tends to be hilarious? She walks the line between entertainment and actually helping you out better than any other column I've stumbled upon, so make sure and look her up.

MoodJam is something I learned about recently from reading about artist Laurie Frick (http://www.lauriefrick.com/) who is all about quantifying her life in these visual and mind-blowing ways. MoodJam allows you to present your moods as a color and give it a small description. The more moods you post, the more colors you can use to describe a mood. You can also navigate the site and see what other moods other people are posting. How is this useful to anyone? I don't know. Maybe you can look back on your collected moods someday and see how your perception of color and feeling changed, maybe you can make a really cool print out or chart for your wall. Maybe you can annoy the snot out of your friends with it. I like to challenge myself with it, use it to force myself to come up with new and interesting ways to describe what I'm feeling or why I'm feeling it. 

In the end, I think the main appeal of Moodjam is that it takes the art of the internet-overshare and puts the emphasis a little bit more firmly on art...which I think we could all use some days.

...And that's that, now go forth and deepen your addiction to this series of tubes.

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