
music to my ears

Love is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time is a memoir by Rob Sheffield which explores the story of how he met and lost his wife Renee and the connection they had and have through music. As music enthusiasts their souls were intertwined in the magnetic tape of cassettes. They had mixes for every event and activity and with each mix comes memories and stories of their lives.
The book is right about love. Love is a mix tape. Life is a mix tape. My brain and your brain are mix tapes. Although not everyone appreciates music in the same capacity, everyone has some sort of relationship with it. Tons of people feel no shame in professing their love for music. We spent the mid-2000's reading 13 year old girls tell us "music is my life". And who are we to say they are wrong? Music is your life and music is my life. And where our lives come together, music is there to remind us of that. Although we might not have physical cassette tapes like Sheffield does in the book, our minds are linked to the music. Songs and musical artists remind us of people, places, events, times in our lives, etc. Music can make us laugh and reminisce. Music can make us cry and be quiet and still. Music is personal. Artists write music for whatever personal reasons they have, whether it be expression or a get-rich-quick scheme. They give it to us and then we share it with each other. I have friends who sent each other a mix CD every month when we first went away to college. It was a way for them to stay connected. It was, "hey this sone reminded me of you", "hey I know you'll love this one", or even just "hey I like this song and it will give us something to talk about together now that our lives are far apart and it is sometimes difficult to have real conversations."
I'm not exactly sure what my point is. Basically, I loved the book. It made me smile and cry and I like the message. You should read this book, or any book that can make you feel a broad spectrum of emotion. And then listen to music that does the same thing.

Music: Abbey Road (Album) - The Beatles


Anonymous said...

That's why you are a Back Street Boys and NSync mix to me.

Anonymous said...

Oops, for got the Matches!

Signed You Know Who.