
creative project

so, i have a bit of a problem. my problem is i haven't been able to create since art school. you'd think that being at a place of education solely dedicated to creating would help me and inspire me. nope. it had quite the opposite effect. it is soul crushing, world ending to think that you've figured out that you love beautiful things and you want to create beautiful things for the rest of your life as a career and then come to a point where you are unable to do so. well, i can't go on like this much longer so i've come up with a plan in order to solve it. i'm going to do a sort of 365 Project, but with art. each day (starting with March 1st, which is tomorrow) i will force myself to sit down and draw something, paint something, illustrate something. this could mean sketching in a sketchbook, drawing on my arm, on the wall, anything, anywhere. it probably won't be good at first but i'm going to make myself do it in hopes that i will begin to be inspired again and be able to do what i loved doing best again.

Music: Ageless Beauty - Stars

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