
switchin' teams

being a teenage girl of america (though not for much longer) i ventured out with my main group of girls to see the highly anticipated second movie of the Twilight Saga, New Moon. for those of you who did not see the first movie (Twilight), it was not exactly the highest quality film. although the characters in the opener were cast very well, the film itself was overly cheesy and poorly done. New Moon was easily an improvement. the characters of Edward (Robert Pattinson), Bella (Kristen Stewart), and the rest of the Cullens were back in full force and this time little baby Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) stole the show. sporting a brand new set of 8-pack abs and big, buff arms, Jacob is now all grown up and him and his cute, also very buff, werewolf friends made me want to switch teams from Team Edward to Team Jacob (or maybe just Team Taylor Lautner). his many shirtless and scenes and smiling face were refreshing to see next to the brooding, cold, and dramatic scenes of statuesque Edward and Bella. overall the film was fun and pretty well done (although an improvement on the first one was not hard). the effects with the werewolves and volturi were not spectacular but they did the trick. all in all i recommend you see the movie if you love the series, even if the first movie disappointed you.

Music: New Moon Soundtrack (which i need to look up because it was pretty good)

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