
shame on you

this is a video of students protesting the tuition increases at the University of California Berkeley (commonly known as CAL). students are upset about increased tuition, student fees, teacher furloughs, and the fact that administrators have not taken pay cuts. (this article explains more)this is not the first protest, and i'm sure it is not the last. i completely understand why students and staff members are upset. our state might be broke but education is not the place to make cuts. i myself am attempting to enter the public university system in california and everyone tells me i am crazy but honestly i have no choice. my parents cannot afford to send me to another private school and they shouldn't have to. i am a resident of california which has one of the best public university systems in the country. it is a shame that things like this have to happen. also, i feel that the brutality is unnecessary on both parts of the party. i'm all for the cause but i feel that the students who were beaten were probably beaten because they were refusing to obey what the swat members were telling them to do.i would expect UC Berkeley students to be smarter than to resist, however, i do not condone the swat members' behavior. you would think they would train these men/women how to deal with crowds better. i'm willing to be that 9 times out of 10, when you hit a young male he will only get angrier and come at you, rather than give up and run away. beating the young men with their batons was an ineffective tactic. i worry for future protests. students are angry and gestures of violence like this only fuel the fire.

Music: Revolution - The Beatles

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