
black winter

lately i've been reading a lot of fashion blogs (my faves are linked to the left) and i find it all so inspiring that i thought i'd blog about my current fashion obsessions/aspirations/thoughts. having just painted my nails a navy blue, right now i'm feeling the winter vibe and wanting to wear dark colors. i'm in a dark, gunmetal, heavy knits, and loose-fitting tunics kind of phase. i just want to buy up every pair of black skinny pants i can find and black t-shirt tunics to match. this is hard for me because previously i really wasn't a fan of buying a lot of black clothing so in turn i don't have much. i wish stores were like movie rentals where you could just get things you wanted and then gave them back. instead of going out and buying a whole new black, super studded wardrobe i've been doing what i can to incorporate my newfound love for darkness into my look. dirty, gold pyramidal studded earrings to replace my little diamonds, dark shades of nail polish (of which i've always been a fan), loads of eyeliner and mascara, a new charcoal peacoat, an old, large sweater from my mom's drawer, and black leggings have all been my best friends these past few weeks. perhaps once i get home for winter i will thrift to find some cheap pieces.

(silly photobooth time)

Music: Tristan - Patrick Wolf, Bad Romance - Lady Gaga

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