
see you later

Claire leaves tomorrow, meaning today we all said our "goodbyes". i really am not in the mindset to say farewell to all of these people who i've spent the majority of my time with for the last four or so years of my life. nonetheless i cried of course. i cry every time we ever had a heart-to-heart so of course i would cry as i sent one of the best friends i've ever had in my life off to Houston, Texas. i'm not really worried about how she will be in college. i have full faith that she will succeed in everything she wants to do. i'm more worried about how i will be in a place without her.

i can't believe we are all leaving. it is bittersweet but necessary. this is the beginning of the next chapter of our lives.

i leave in 8 days. i've attempted to start packing up my stuff and i've found that i absolutely suck at it. i have so much stuff and i really wish i could bring all of it, but i can't. picking and choosing what to bring is hard and then of course i know i'm sooo worried about not having my entire wardrobe that i'm going to forget something essential like my underwear or phone charger. this is another time where i wish i were the second sibling to go to college so my parents would know exactly what to do. when i ask them to help me figure out what i should take and what i should omit they just start babbling on about something not pertaining to my question. either that or they make a joke about how retarded it is that i have so many pairs of shoes. deep breathes. i will get through this.

Music: Fifteen - Taylor Swift (in honor of Claire)

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