
fuster cluck

today was a good day. when i say good i mean it in the sense that it wasn't awesome but there was just a certain feeling about it that i like.
feeling about 20 pounds lighter after talking for hours with claire and sarah last night, this morning i woke up to sun and heat radiating from my window. i then proceeded to go into the cool of my parent's room and sleep for another hour. so relaxing and fulfilling. a majority of the day was spent at emily rose's watching Gossip Girl and catching up. now, i must say i am a product of my society because i am completely hooked on GG just as i had been on the OC. i'm not sure what it is that makes watching the pretend lives of fictional rich kids and their drama appealing. it just is and i'm in no position to explain it or argue against it. i love it, lots of people love it, and i'm ok with it.
i came home around 5 to a house full of fresh groceries, happy parents, and home-cooked dinner (all which have become quite the rarity in my house).

the only downfall of the day was that right now i have a ton of reading for Lit and Gov i should be doing, but i don't want to (and it doesn't look like i'm going to) do it. i read the sparknotes for the rest of Pride and Prejudice and i read 3 chapters worth of course notes for Gov. yes, i am half-assing it. but sadly the only thing i want to do right now is read gossip girl. this next couple weeks at school are probably going to kick my ass because i have finals/AP tests to prepare for and art to do but i don't want any of it.

P.S. i love Chuck Bass way too much.

Music: Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna, Too Bad About Your Girl - The Donnas


ridiculous shit:
1) it takes me hours to read something required, but when i read other things i can fly through 50 pages in 50 minutes.
2) it was like 90 degrees outside today. umm, wtf happened to spring?
3) spring break is over and that means just about a month left til i graduate and turn 18.
4) there are hella little bugs flying around my room and i don't know where they are coming from. pretty disgusting.

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