i finally finished I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell by Tucker Max yesterday. it was so bittersweet to finally be finished with it. Tucker Max is one of the most immoral, terrible people i've ever come across, and yet he is some how going on my list of heroes. if you don't already know (and i feel most people just should) I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell is a compilation of Tucker Max's most glorious antics and sexcapades. the stories, all true and from Max's point of view, are filled with lots of binge drinking, strip clubs, picking up chicks, poop, vomit, etc. basically every male reads Tucker Max and then aspires to be like him, but probably never will. i'm not sure what that makes me. i blame spending 7-10th grade primarily hanging out with males.
p.s. i hate updating so often but i just had to update about this. it is very important. today i bought My Horizontal Life: A Book Of One-Night Stands by Chelsea Handler. it is supposed to be like the female Tucker Max. we'll see.
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