today is a historic day in the existance of the United States of America. an African American has been elected president. now i'll be the first to admit, and not be a sore loser, that i am a McCain supporter, but i couldn't be happier for mr. obama in his amazing feat. i'm glad to say that i am not only alive at this moment, but also coherent enough to tell my future children the story of the first african american becoming president. it is truly amazing how far our country has come since its beginning and it is things like this which remind us of the amazing country we live in. i suppose this is democracy at its finest. we have our flaws, not doubt about that, but america is a wonderful place and i'm glad i live here.
in other news, besides political, my day has been a giant roller coaster. and as most roller coasters, i finished with a good feeling. although, it might not be over yet. so i'm just going to take it one step at a time.
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