
i had to pay the toll

last week: i figured something out. necessity is the gift that keeps on giving. when you need someone, you always will do what they want, what they say, give them gifts, give in to them, anything. they can be abusive to you and you will take it. even if you dont need them in actuality. you just feel you do because you are at some personal mercy by your feelings, you still give and give.
it is just a weird way the world works.

this week: things are somewhat good. i'm quickly becoming finished with my christmas shopping. just one more to buy and one exchange needs to be made. the others i am making.

i get my driver's license in 16 days. i am really excited. brian is getting his like 3 days before me. its no contest. really i'm glad we are kinda going through this thing together so to speak. i feel confident i can pass. i just have to be cautious and not get nervous.

i've got some babysitting lined up for next week. that means an inflow of some cashto replenish my supply after all this christmas shopping.

the weather is getting cold and i love it. i love it. i love it.

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