
freedom tonight

i didn't go to west campus homecoming.
the colts lost to the patriots. i don't want to talk about it.
my history grade has dropped 3%. i don't want to talk about that either.

recently i've been helping out with hair and make-up for the fall play. it is pretty fun, but extremely stressful and time consuming. i'm at school all day and then we have to be there at 5 for everything and the play usually ends around 9 or so. i actually get to watch the play on the last day it is showing which is next sunday. brian is going to come see christy. i'm making some nice new friends who are in the play. i like them. some of the kids are really annoying though. i like being involved in the drama department. being a part of two art departments and being able to bring them together is kind of great.

we've been doing a landscape painting in art class. i don't know if i hate it yet. it is extremely time consuming. i painted about one thing in an hour and a half. mr mcgovern got mad when i was painting instead of doing my sketchbook today. it's whatever. i have to finish it and i will get my sketchbook done later. it is easy.

tomorow is michael lopez' s 18th birthday party. it should be fun i hope. i don't know what to wear yet. hmm. he said metallic/lame/etc. so i think i will go for some lame, wannabe scene type thing with a headband and leggings and the whole deal. i'm making him a macarroni art kit for his brithday. i can't remember why but we talked about this before and that is what he said to make him. pretty unique if i don't say so myself. i get to leave the play early to go to his party.

i went to talk to mr kirrene together. he is so great. he makes me feel so much better about myself and he just listens and is insightful. he is truly the best teacher i've ever had. i only hope that next year i can be in his one senior class. that way i can have a challenge but not have to be in AP. i miss having him as my teacher. i almost cried in his office because he just makes me get emotional and sentimental or something. i'm not sure how to explain it.

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