
Spring Forward

Hello Darling Readers,

What's that you say? It is March already? The time is flying, and I personally couldn't be happier. School is becoming a bit of a drag, but all the more reason for me to do "research" for this month's content. March is all about characters. Characters on TV, in movies, books, music, at school, work, on the bus, in the street, your apartment building, even you and me! Characters are EVERYWHERE and it is an amazing thing! We collect them, fall in love with them, dream about them, dress up as them for halloween, and all kinds of other crazy things.
I know you enjoyed Eden's scandalous shower story.We'll also have more from Eden Redmond and hopefully a few new contributors this month. So Stay tuned (into the blog and your televisions, cause there are some fun characters on that thing)!

Send in your stories, photos, etc. your favorite/interesting characters you encounter this month and we'll post 'em!

the 4monthsatsea crew

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