
Here it is

Wow, no update in almost a month? You are great at running your blog Amy! Sarcasm and the 3rd person! My brain is clearly fried, but here is why!!! I've mentioned before that I took Information Design this term, and let me tell you, it is TIME CONSUMING! We all did a term long project of our choosing. The only requirements were that we picked a topic and included 8-10 levels of information. Other than that you could literally do ANYTHING you wanted. So I decided to take my Nirvana fandom to the next level and just do all my projects, including this term long, on them. I made a fan tour guide/kit called The 8 Fold Path to Nirvana. Collateral included a map/brochure, interactive travel journal, buttons, and postcards, all housed in a custom made box.
More Photos Here
Why Info Design is so time consuming:
You are taking on both a creative and intellectual endeavor. In fact, you are taking the two and combining them, but also combining them in a way that is hopefully comprehendible by the "general public". This term I've learned to fully immerse myself in a project in a new way. Not only do I need to really just know what I'm trying to make, but I also need to become some level of expert on it. Researching your subject, researching other subjects that are similar, researching styles that match your vision, etc., etc. You have to find your prospective and accurately portray it visually and clearly. It is definitely challenging. I've found that I really appreciate info-graphics and find them fascinating, but perhaps they aren't my forte. Clearly articulating information visually is difficult (very difficult for me!) and I think, a gift. I'm sure with more practice I'll get better at it, but I still feel like maybe it isn't what I'll be doing for a job.
Something I did find I enjoy is making little interactive booklets. I love the idea of taking one single subject and packing a bunch of fun factoids and interact-ables about it into a mini-sized booklet!

Winter Break Plans: Have fun listening to Notorious B.I.G. Pandora, collaging to my heart's content, making interactive Scout Books, reading more rock star biographies, sleeping, etc.

1 comment:

SactoDan said...

Very good Grasshopper. Now make us a little interactive booklet!