

WOOHOO!! for another year. 2009 started out on an upswing from the end of 2008 but at a certain point it began descending. i'm hoping that now that i have to write new numbers on everything that my luck will make a turn for the better. based on the fun time i had with Nick, Johnathan, Jonathan, Becca, and Albert last night, i have a pretty good feeling about Twenty-Ten.

things i predict will be "like so hott this year" just off of feeling:
1)White Boys with Beards on Bikes: usually i prefer my boys with smooth faces but recently i've been seeing more and more beards that i like. of course i'll have to burn all of these boys the Natalie Portman's Shaved Head CD so they can learn how to properly manage their facial hair.
2)Low Maintenance Hair: i love having really intricate hair that everyone loves, but i'm tired. i want to wake up and just let it be.
3)Out of State Schools: however much i love my beautiful California, we are fucking broke which does not go well with trying to get into a state college. i'll be attempting to do my research for a sweet deal in a nearby state.
4)Abstract Painting: i've always tried to have my own personal take on my paintings, omitting and adding elements as i wish, but because art college recently killed all of my creativity and has left me dry and yearning for inspiration i feel that maybe if i just attempt to put paint on the canvas without a specific vision i will come up with something.
5)NBA Basketball: as if my NFL enthusiasm wasn't enough, the new, young Sacramento Kings have inspired me to possibly take an interest in basketball again. it could be fun to have yet another team to be excited about.

here's to a great year (and decade! so exciting!) ahead! ya'll go nurse those hangovers now.

Music: Out of The Blue - Julian Casablancas, Sing Me Spanish Techno - the New Pornographers

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