

tomorow is my AP US HIstory final. we have to have our final 2 weeks early in order to be ready for our Ap test next friday. i'm extremely nervous and have been studying non stop for about 4 days. on saturday night Stephanie, Sarah Wong, Elsie, and I all slept over at stephanie's house for a Study Sleepover Extravaganza. we studied (among other things) from 1pm to 3am and then woke up at 8am and studied until around 12:30. it was a lot of fun, but so much work! we also played plenty of guitar hero, watched that thing you do, and made summer journals with magazine pictures. having my second sleepover with a group of CB girls was once again, very fulfilling. i felt like i belonged to something and really happy that i have a true group of friends, especially ones that go to my school. i'm excited for this school year to end, but also a little sad that we will only have one year left.

we coined the mantra "make karen proud" to keep us motivated.

we didn't want to disappoint her !!

i took this of sarah while she was making her journal. i like it.

1 comment:

empress ck said...

dont think apus will be that bad. haha i am worse off cuz i took the class last term in fall and i have to REVIEW EVERYTHING!!! but i am confident i can pass with more than a 3 (knocks on wood). good luck. you will do well if you are well prepared. the history aps are actually not that bad.