
יזכור ותלמד

As Israel transitions officially into Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day,  I'd like to extend a challenge to all of my friends. The common saying on this day is "Never Forget"—and this sentiment is of the utmost importance—but there is a hidden piece in our remembering that we probably do forget. That piece is to teach. If we are to insure that the world never forgets the 6 million Jews and Millions of gays, gypsies, and others who were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime and it's sympathizers, then we must teach those who are unaware: the next generation and anyone around us about what happened.

Someone told me that my generation is likely the last to hear first-hand testimonies from Holocaust survivors. Thinking of what an impactful experience hearing these testimonies and meeting these survivors has been for me, I try to picture what Holocaust education will look like for my future children without this.

So this Yom Hashoah let's remember those who lost, remember those who survived, and teach others to also remember. 

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