
TIMF 2009

Treasure Island Music Festival 2009 was SOOOO MUCH FUN! i'm not sure how to describe it in a way that will do it justice. it was a beautiful weekend. sarah wong came down from portland. we enjoyed the sunny, but not too hot weather and amazing music all on the little treasure island surrounded by the bay, full of sailboats. i personally preferred last years line-up, packed with bands like Vampire Weekend, Tokyo Police Club, Tegan and Sara, Chester French, Justice, CSS, The Raconteurs, and more, but this year we actually were up close and personal for a ton of great bands.


Photos #1 and 2: Passion Pit was the first band we saw. they kicked off the day of dancing with their fun, unique sounds. if you haven't checked them out yet i pretty much guarantee you will love their electro keyboards mixed with an offbeat, high pitched voice.
Photo #3 and 4: next were British rappers, The Streets. i found out that pretty much all their songs are as fun as their hit, "Fit But You Know It" and am really excited to explore their music more. frontman Michael Skinner is quite the looker, even if he is an asshole.
Photo #5 and 6:a new discovery, Brazilian Girls. obviously points for the costume. their music was new and interesting. although i'm not sure what their obsession with "sexy assholes" or "pussy, pussy, Marijuana" was. ha.
Photo #7 and 8: another new discovery, MSTRKRFT. ironic that they spell their name with no vowels. these two DJ's did it big on stage with their bottle of Crown Royal and boxes of cigarettes right next to the tables. literally danced our asses off to their tasty remixes of songs like D.A.N.C.E. and Bohemian Rhapsody.
Photo#9 and 10: of course one of the moments i had been waiting for the entire day, MGMT. accompanied by pyramidal props and fantastic lights, they sang their album in it's entirety announcing that this would be their last show for awhile. sad, but ok because after they finished that album they enlightened us with some new material. my prediction is that they are taking a break from touring to record a new album!


Photos #1 and 2: day 2 was a little cloudier and windier, but when the sun peaked out and shined on Grizzly Bear it was "like something out of the Bible" (my exact words). their sleepy sounds mixed with the weather and our exhaustion from Day 1 was perfection.
Photos #3 and 4: another new band, Beirut, from New Mexico, kept the day going with a mash up of horns, stringy guitars, and an accordion. i definitely asked my roommate to burn me that CD as soon as i got home.
Photos #5 and 6: one of the most powerful, beautiful performances, the Decemberists played their entire album, The Hazard of Love, which tells a story. their mix of heavy instrumentals and folksy female and male vocals, all done in a theatrical nature was phenomenal.

Music: i recommend any band from this post. all are superb (and in italic purple) !

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