this is the last of my latest art endeavor, which was 5 still lifes for CCA. i sent them all and now i await the response. they all looked pretty good, if i do say so myself...or is it don't say so? whatever. i'm happy.
I'M SO HAPPY. I AM ALWAYS PRETTY HAPPY lately and i'm not sure why but i'm just having fun. there are little things that bring me down, but not for long cause i won't let'em. MY BBALL BOYS ARE AT IT STILL! tonight they won their first playoff game. friday is the next game. this is big business, and winning or losing i love those boys. THIS MORNING WAS REALLY SCARY. my contact lense was stuck in my eye. it rolled to the back so i was scratching my eye and finally i rubbed it out after about 45 minutes. i thought i was going to have to go to the emergency room.
the weekend should be good. bball game friday night, hair appt saturday morning, hanging out with brittany, ryan, joel, claire, and sarah and dinner with julia on sunday. a little work in the mix.
Music: Sufjan Stevens, We Are Scientists, Rooney